大家好,今天要帶大家一起探索小金門(列嶼)! 從水頭碼頭搭船就能到小金囉! 每半小時就有一班船,乘船時間大約15分鐘而已。踏上我們的腳步,一起遊玩小金!
Today we're going to introduce Little Kinmen (Lieyu)! You can arrive there by ship. There is a shipment in every 30 minutes, and it only takes 15 minutes to get there. Follow us and let's explore Little Kinmen!
黑線: 九宮碼頭→ 三層樓民宿→ 勇士堡&鐵漢堡→ 湖井頭戰史館→ 李府將軍廟 (風雞)→ 烈女廟 →八達樓子→ 九宮坑道→ 回金城
Travel Route
Black Line: Jiugong Pier → Three-story Building → Landmine Exhibition Center → Houjintou Battle Museum → General Li Temple ( Wind Rooster ) → Chaste Maiden Temple → Bada Tower → Jiugong Tunnel → Back to Jincheng
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金戰食客 Vida Loca En Kinmen