八達樓子為小金門最著名景點之一,位於金門縣烈嶼鄉西宅村十字路口,城堡式二 層樓建築,樓頂有7位分別位於四方,手握兵器的戰士雕像,英勇的姿態,讓人十分敬佩。建築四面鑲有「古北口」、「山海關」、喜峰口」、「九門口」等字樣,代表長城四大要塞,周圍環繞著四座花臺鑲有「獨立作戰」、「自立更生」、「堅持到底」、「死裡求生」等字樣展現當時勇武的精神。2010年烈嶼鄉公所將「死裡求生」改為「必勝必成」。
Bada Tower is one of the famous spots in Little Kinmen. It’s a two-story castle style building. There are 7 soldier sculptures holding weapons standing around the top. People can climb to the top to take picture with the sculptures. The four sides of the building represent the four main fortresses in The Great Wall, which are “Shan Hai Guan,”“Gu Bei Kou,” “Xi Feng Kou,”and “Jiu Men Kou,”. Around the building, there are four flower-stands with different words on them, and all of them show the spirit of bravery.
In 1933, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, a group infantry tried hard to hold Gu Bei Kou to cover the 154th army of The Great Wall. However, the enemy was too numerous, and the infantry men all died a glorious death. In 1966, the 154th army of The Great Wall stationed in Lieyu township, and they built the Bada Tower. They also made the 7 soldiers, to defend the four fortresses.
The spot is located on the roundabout, care for the cars.
黑線: 九宮碼頭→ 三層樓民宿→ 勇士堡&鐵漢堡→ 湖井頭戰史館→ 李府將軍廟 (風雞)→ 烈女廟 →八達樓子→ 九宮坑道→ 回金城
Travel Route
Black Line: Jiugong Pier → Three-story Building → Landmine Exhibition Center → Houjintou Battle Museum → General Li Temple ( Wind Rooster ) → Chaste Maiden Temple → Bada Tower → Jiugong Tunnel → Back to Jincheng
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