


Shuitou Community is located in the southwest corner of Kinmen. It is near the port where ferries go to China. There are many traditional villages in Kinmen. Shuitou Community is one of the most famous villages. There are many Minnan-style and western-style buildings. Most of the ancient buildings are now exhibition halls. Inside most of the exhibition halls, there is information about the overseas Chinese for the visitors to read.


The exhibition halls also display some models of dishes, and the most common food is Nyonya Cake. It is the most special pastry here. It’s made of coconut milk, polished glutinous rice, pandan leaves and sugar. Nyonya Cakes not only merges the cooking styles of Cantonese, Fujian, Hakka, Malaysian, Indonesian, Thai, and other area, but also adds a distinguishing feature from the local area. Therefore, every Nyonya Cake has its own unique flavor.

得月樓位於水頭聚落中, 擁有近90年的歷史。在1920年代,水頭為當時金門富裕的僑村之一,印尼華僑為了保護村民不受海盜侵擾,而興建防禦性的高樓,其中最具代表性的就是得月樓。得月樓背後的涵義不光只是它壯麗的外觀,也代表著當時居民運用機智的想法來設計這棟具有防禦作用的建築物。

De Yue Tower is in Shuitou village. It’s more than 90 years old. In the 1920s, Shuitou Community was one of the richest overseas Chinese Villages in Kinmen. To protect the residents from the attack of pirates, Chinese Indonesians built defensive towers. De Yue Tower is one of these. It is not only famous for its magnificent exterior, but also shows that the residents used clever ideas to design this defensive building. 

在得月樓附近,濃郁的茶香引領我們來到另一棟洋樓前,特別的建築以及聚集的人潮激發我們的好奇心,原來裏頭是一間專賣風獅爺紀念品的文物坊。有別於以往的紀念品店,風獅爺文物坊有一樣特別的飲品 ─ 毛澤東奶茶。現沖的紅茶加入牛奶,再搭配一點高粱酒提升風味,喝起來格外順口。洋樓外的中庭有露天咖啡座,坐在這裡享受美好的下午時光,是很不錯的選擇。

Around De Yue Tower, the strong tea aroma leads us to a western-style building. The special architecture and the crowds stimulate our curiosity. Inside the building is a souvenir shop.

Unlike other souvenir shops, there is a special drink in the shop called Mao Zedong milk tea. To enhance the flavor, they add some Sorghum and milk to the fresh-made black tea. It tastes so smooth. What an enjoyable experience! Outside the western-style building, there is an outdoor coffee shop in the courtyard. It is a great choice to sit there and enjoy a wonderful afternoon.



Opening hours: Open year-round


金城鎮地圖 Jincheng Township map



1. 水頭碼頭、金水國小 → 翟山坑道 → 歐厝海灘 → 莒光樓 → 建功嶼 → 邱良功母節孝坊、總兵署、模範街


2. 邱良功母節孝坊、總兵署、模範街 → 莒光樓 → 歐厝海灘 → 翟山坑道 → 水頭碼頭、金水國小 → 建功嶼

Travel route:

(Red route)

1. Shuitou Communities,  Jinshuei Primary school → Jhaishan Tunnel → Oucuò Beach → Jyuguang Tower → Chinkung island → Qiu Liang Gung’s Mother Chastity Arch, Kinmen Military Headquarters of Qing Dynasty, Model street 

(Purple route)

2. Qiu Liang Gung’s Mother Chastity Arch, Kinmen Military Headquarters of Qing Dynasty, Model street → Jyuguang Tower → Oucuò Beach → Jhaishan Tunnel → Shuitou Communities,  Jinshuei Primary school → Chinkung island



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金戰食客 Vida Loca En Kinmen



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