

Model street is located in the prosperous urban district of Jincheng. There are special buildings and delicious snacks around the street. Because of that, it is a popular spot for visitors. Also, you can walk to the Jincheng bus station from the Model street. 

在清朝初年,模範街為鄭成功訓練軍人的地方,故又名「內校場」。1924年,金門商會會長向僑界集資,將模範街的房樓改建成融合日式、閩式、西式的特色建築,是金門唯一中西合璧式的街道。模範街原名「自強街」,建於民國13年,為丁字形的街道,呈現舊式樓房的風貌。其取自日本大正風格,融合西洋磚作為二進店屋 (第一進為日式洋樓,第二進為閩式建築),外觀整齊,樸實端莊,是金門維持許久和最具特色的老街之一。

In the beginning of Qing dynasty, Zheng Cheng Gong trained his subordinates here, so it is also named “the field within schools”. In 1924, the President of Kinmen Business Association raised funds from overseas Chinese to reconstruct the street. The building includes Japanese-style, Minnan-style and western-style, and is the only street of its kind in Kinmen. Originally named “Zihciang street”, it is a T-shaped street and full of old style buildings. Its exterior is neat, simple and dignified with brick in Japan’s Taisho-style.


Along the street, there is a store where you can try Kinmen’s delicacies. Taste some egg rolls with sweet Sorghum vinegar, how enjoyable! You can buy any of Kinmen’s delicacies there. 



Opening hours: Open year-round


金城鎮地圖 Jincheng Township map



1. 水頭碼頭、金水國小 → 翟山坑道 → 歐厝海灘 → 莒光樓 → 建功嶼 → 邱良功母節孝坊、總兵署、模範街


2. 邱良功母節孝坊、總兵署、模範街 → 莒光樓 → 歐厝海灘 → 翟山坑道 → 水頭碼頭、金水國小 → 建功嶼

Travel route:

(Red route)

1. Shuitou Communities,  Jinshuei Primary school → Jhaishan Tunnel → Oucuò Beach → Jyuguang Tower → Chinkung island → Qiu Liang Gung’s Mother Chastity Arch, Kinmen Military Headquarters of Qing Dynasty, Model street 

(Purple route)

2. Qiu Liang Gung’s Mother Chastity Arch, Kinmen Military Headquarters of Qing Dynasty, Model street → Jyuguang Tower → Oucuò Beach → Jhaishan Tunnel → Shuitou Communities,  Jinshuei Primary school → Chinkung island




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